Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning at Florey Primary School.

The positive behaviour for Learning  (PBL) Framework empowers the Florey community to learn together in a safe and respectful environment.  The purpose of our Positive Behaviours for Learning is to help students learn how to be successful and positive contributors o society now and for the future. Through deliberately designed learning sequences and clear expectations (rules), students learn: empathy; to value and acknowledge themselves and others and are happy members of our school community.

Our PBL expectations are:

Be Safe                    Be Respectful             Be a Learner

When students demonstrate positive behaviours, they will receive:

  1. Individual Dojo points in the classroom
  2. Tokens on the playground, which counts towards their house group

When students achieve:  

PLAYGROUND: Each area around the school displays the PBL expectations for teachers and students to refer to when they are within that space.

CLASSROOM:  At the beginning of the year, students and teachers will develop their own classroom expectations (rules) and procedures that promote positive behaviours.

FORTNIGHTLY FOCUS:  Each fortnight, Florey Primary School teaches a PBL lesson which targets a focus that reinforces positive behaviour in the classroom and on the playground. When students demonstrate the targeted behaviour, a double token is given to go towards their house. House points are calculated at the end of each fortnight and Howard the bear is presented to the winning house at our whole school assembly.