
At Florey Primary School the Australian Curriculum: English guides teacher planning and programming. All teachers are committed to providing a balanced literacy block including practise of reading, writing, spelling, listening and speaking, and viewing.

Language is fundamental to communicating, learning and thinking. In exploring and using English literature and other texts, students develop, maintain and express their identity, organise their thoughts, learn about their physical and cultural environment, and appreciate and contribute to their society. The study of English also promotes the appreciation and lifelong enjoyment of literature.

The development of literacy skills is a lifelong process. The role of the school is to continue the language learning children have begun before school and to help them to become proficient users throughout their lives.

The English curriculum of language, literature and literacy is reported through the receptive and productive modes.

Florey Primary also has skilled teachers who provide extra support to our English as a second language students. These teachers, work alongside classroom teachers as well as providing targeted support in small groups outside the classroom.

At Florey Primary School the following are some of the components of our English program:

  • Guided reading
  • Student writing goals
  • Shared writing beliefs and practices
  • Spelling based on Effective Spelling approach Chris Topfer. Effective Spelling is underpinned by a holistic and inquiry-based learning approach to spelling.
  • One-on-one conferencing with students
  • 10 Essential Literacies Practices based on Chris Topfer work
  • ‘The Writing Book’ by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey